
rgrver avatar image
rgrver asked

Will an Orion Isolated work with both the input and output ground being the same point?

Unit installed in my camper, not in truck engine compartment. Was using separate grounds and all was ok. Charged fine and bluetooth worked. Had to "common" the grounds due to tail light problems on my camper and now bluetooth light doesn't come on. Didn't have time to troubleshoot, so asking this questions before I do.

Thanks, Ralph

orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @RgRVer,

having both, input and output ground connected to the common ground, is no problem.

For troubleshooting bluetooth issues with VictronConnect and your bluetooth device please read:
11. Troubleshooting

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rgrver avatar image
rgrver answered ·

Thanks very much @Stefanie! Now I will try to find the "real" problem. Probably something simple. :)


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