
doubh avatar image
doubh asked

ESS with single Multiplus II on Phase L2


I have a setup with a MPPT250/70, a Multiplus II 48/3000/35, three Pylontech and a Raspberry Pi running VenusOS.

My Multiplus II is connected to L2 and not to L1, but the Mulitplus II thinks that it is connected to L1.

I don't know how I can configure this.1615653756151.png

The regulation itself works well as the phase compensation is enabled and the grid meter delivers correct power values of all three phases.

But the values in the overview are invalid:



Is there a way to configure Multiplus II that it knows to be connected to L1?

Thanks everyone in advance.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·

Try using VE.Bus System configurator and putting your existing Multi on L2 there.

There is a tutorial for multi-phase systems at that's highly recommended.

If you can't set the Multi on L2, then rewire things so that L1 is the leg with the Multi

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schollex avatar image schollex Kevin Windrem commented ·

Your link is no longer working. Could you provide an updates link?
I don't see any option neither within VE.Bus System configuration nor within VEConfig nor within Victron Connect to change the phase of my single Multiplus within a 3-phase grid.

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1 Answer
Meine_Energiewende avatar image
Meine_Energiewende answered ·

As far as i know it is not possbile to configure this. I had the same problem a few years ago and victron told me that a single phase multi or quadro has to be on L1.

Sorry for not having a better answer for you.


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doubh avatar image doubh commented ·

That's what I thought :-(

As an interim solution, I swapped L1 and L2 in grid meter software so that Multi II thinks it's L1, but it is L2...

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