
scott-kiwiz avatar image
scott-kiwiz asked

Orion Tr Smart 12 - INSIDE reverse polarity zero protection - AVOID

Well, After spending a quite a sum for a 30AMP DC to DC, connected battery wrong way around. Victron kit has Diode protection but to get to it you have to smash unit open..

HEY VICTRON STAFF - Its called a thermal resetting fuse OR Auto-Reset Electronic Circuit Breaker OR N-channel MOSFET

Point being out of warranty user error but when people are buying rolls Royce Victron blue we expect much higher standard.

Yes this totally my own fault, could a 10p fuse protected end users yes. also this glue Indian made unable to be opened design. disappointing. £200 gone in 2 seconds.


orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
johanvanr avatar image
johanvanr answered ·

Can you add "feature request" to the "Topics" field? This way it may be upvoted and picked up in future improvements.

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