
markp avatar image
markp asked

Can I use a non isolated 12-12 30A Orion DC-DC converter to charge Victron LiFePO4 batteries without connecting the negative side to my Euro 6 van

I ordered an smart isolated Orion DC-DC converter to charge the pair of 110AH Victron LiFePO4 batteries my supplier sent a smart non isolated Orion DC- DC converter and I am not convinced their explantation that they supplied a non isolated as it give less radio interference!!

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

Hi @Markp, welcome to the Community!

If your house bank does not share a common negative return path with your start bank (meaning, if both banks are not connected to chassis ground or a common negative busbar) then you definitely need the isolated Orion-Tr Smart; the non-isolated version, by definition, requires a common negative return path between the two banks.

Be advised, however, that you should be ordering the Orion-Tr Smart Isolated DC-DC Charger, however, not the Orion-Tr DC-DC Converter.

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Bruce Johnson avatar image Bruce Johnson commented ·
I have an issue with mine. I have a non isolated charger connected via twin core positive and negative to my vehicle from my caravan. it keeps dropping to very low voltage, like 6 volts, then up to 12 volts if i disconnect and reconnect the input power again. Would i need to add another earth from car chassis to negative bussbar in the van ? or is the twin core ok ?
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