
masonimage avatar image
masonimage asked

Orion TR and Alternator heat regulation

Working on a new install of a 3x100ah LFP house bank and a FLA start battery here on my sailboat.

Wanting to use the Orion TR Smart BtoB charger to interface all the batteries from my Balmar100 amp alternator through my FLA bank into the Orion and then onto my lithium house bank.

My concern is protection for my alternator.

Since there is no temperature sensor on the Orion I’m considering some external regulation to my Balmar to control voltage based on alternator temperature. I realize the Orion cycles on and off to sense voltage between batteries, but is this enough to protect the alternator from overheating.

Thanks in advance for your help.


orion-tr smart
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4 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·


I also have a Balmar (6-series 100A) together with a Orion Tr-smart. Max. output from the Orion (depending on model) is 30A, peaking 35A. Nothing that will overheat your alternator. Furthermore the alternator has a temperature sensor and will reduce field voltage in case it gets above set temperature.

You also may consider charging your Lithium bank directly from the alternator and use the Orion to charge your FLA. This is way more effective than the other way around because the full juice goes into the lithiums. You can't do that with your starter battery.

I have written a blog post about my alternator installation together with settings for the MC-614 regulator, which works simply fine: Balmar 100A Alternator + Victron Smart Lithium

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masonimage avatar image
masonimage answered ·

Hey Stefanie , Thanks for the quick reply. Yes I should have mentioned my Balmar alternator is not currently externally regulated with a temp sensor and that was the idea behind my question. Do I need that? I was thinking I did and and your reply confirmed that. Thank you.

Also I like your idea of direct connection to the LFP and alternator to receive the max voltage from the alternator as it’s being controlled by a external regulator and temperature sensor. Then having the start battery be on the other side of the Orin output.

Great blog post and website. Thanks again

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masonimage avatar image
masonimage answered ·

A question about the idea of direct connection from the alternator to the LFP bank.

Since I’m not going through the start battery as planned this leaves the alternator open to damage if the LFP BMS were to shut down for some reason. Would you consider adding protection for the alternator in case of a cut off from the LFP?

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Yes, definitely! At any time the alternator must see the battery. If that's not possible due to cut off in case of LFP protection (high-voltage disconnect, temperature), the regulator must shut down in a safe way before the BMS cut off. The easiest way to do this (in case of an external regulator like MC-614 or Wakespeed WS500) is to interrupt the ignition wire, which goes to the regulator, with a relay. That's what I'm doing with a optocoupler relay controlled by the HVD from the BMS. See the diagram in my blog post.

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masonimage avatar image
masonimage answered ·

Thanks again Stefanie

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