
Steve Byrne avatar image
Steve Byrne asked

BlueSolar 150/45 overvoltage survival

I was called out to a premises today to look at a faulty install where two problems became immediately apparent. 1 - the batteries were at the end of their life and 2 - Someone had connected 10x 200w panels in series, delivering well over 300v to each 150/45 Bluesolar. It seems they have been this way for some time, but amazingly once I reduced the connected PV voltage to below 150v, they still work.
My questions are - how have they survived this? I understood that overvoltage, especially twice the rated voltage, would be terminal. Also it looks like they somehow delivered some charge to the batteries while in this state. How is this possible?

mppt charging
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1 Answer
thanar avatar image
thanar answered ·

Indeed, surviving such a high voltage is kind of a miracle. Everybody here says 0.1V over the maximum Voc will give out the magic smoke!

However, in order for the controller to die, the input voltage has to actually REACH that value; and this won’t happen for as long as there is a lid on the panels, i.e. when the controller is doing it’s job. Voltage will spike though, when the battery gets full, or disconnected.

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