
jefndeb avatar image
jefndeb asked

Where to add the MPPT Output connection?

indigo-star-dc-diagram.jpgI am installing a Victron MPPT 30 with one LG 375 Panel, I am not sure where to connect the output of the controller into my boats DC system, please comment or make a suggestion as to the idea input.

At first I was thinking to connect to the Common of the house Battery switch but I am not 100% sure.

Welcome all comments....

mppt charging
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3 Answers
marc-de-montreal avatar image
marc-de-montreal answered ·

directly to your parallel house batteries bank (with a breaker in series on the positive wire) because that is your power bank you want use all the time.. on the house battery switch, the circuit look very long (and the size is it big enough for your output controller maximum current?).. more near your controller is to the battery, more precise and efficient it is..

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jefndeb avatar image
jefndeb answered ·

OK, thanks, I was told that if I connected the positive output to just battery 1, and the Battery switch in the "All" position, both batteries will receive charging,,,does that sound right?

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marc-de-montreal avatar image
marc-de-montreal answered ·

in the case of batt #1 and #2 are not at the same voltage/level and you switch to all, the batt #1 and #2 become together (parallel connection) and the current may too high.. how you balance your batteries for to avoid this situation?

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