
raema avatar image
raema asked

Low consumption displayed on BMV 712 smart

I've connected a BMV 712 to the 2 AGM batteries in my Hymer motorhome, and also connectedit to the starter battery.

The voltage and percentage are displayed correctly. But the consumed amperage is very low. When I turn on all the lights and let my satellite dish search at the same time, the BMV712 indicates a consumption of approximately 0.6A.

When I start the engine or when the battery charger is on, a charging capacity of approx. 8A is indicated

Everything is connected according to schedule. What could be the cause of this low consumption indication here?

BMV Battery Monitor
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Please check the wiring again and maybe make some pictures of the installation.

There are many questions like yours in the community and in most cases it was a wiring issue.

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raema avatar image raema commented ·

Thanks, I'll take some pictures and I'll post them here.

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spanner avatar image
spanner answered ·

Is it during the day - the difference may be being picked up by your solar? example - Load = 10A, solar is producing 6A so draw from battery is 4A?

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raema avatar image raema commented ·

No, he was inside at the time. Moreover, if there are no users, it indicates about 0 Amps, so there is no charging.

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