
Mark Maritz avatar image
Mark Maritz asked

Orion Tr Smart 12/12 18A

I tested my newly installed Orion yesterday and all was good. I then disconnected the alternative battery (after switching off vehicle) and found the Connect App still displays an output on the circuit even with no battery present (when I start the vehicle again) - NO 2nd battery connected.

Is this correct? Does the Orion not detect a no alternative battery present and just continue sending power?


orion-tr smart
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Mark Maritz avatar image Mark Maritz commented ·

Any feedback please ;)

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2 Answers
tg1 avatar image
tg1 answered ·

Well current wouldn't actually flow without a second battery or load connected to the output.

Is there any other load connected to the output of the Orion? If so, the Orion will be acting a s a power supply and providing current to the load.

If not, I would suggest either a firmware update or a reset to default and try again.

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Mark Maritz avatar image
Mark Maritz answered ·

Thanks @TG1

When no load is connected to the output I still see 14.2 V on the output... I was expecting 0V

I have the latest firmware and also done a reset already.



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tg1 avatar image tg1 commented ·

Does the output voltage match the input voltage? So you see 14.2v on the input side as well?

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Mark Maritz avatar image Mark Maritz tg1 commented ·


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