
peter-vddriessche avatar image
peter-vddriessche asked

Modbus register for the volume of energy stored in the battery

I am using ModbusTCP to program a battery control algorithm. I am looking for a way to track energy/power stored in the batteries.

There are no such registers, as far as I can see (with registers 1030-1038, I can track the cumulative energy produced by the PV installation; with 2603-2605 I can track the cumulative energy taken from the grid,etc). Does anybody know how I can track the energy charged/discharged in the battery.?

I could measure the battery power every second/minutre and sum them over time (integrate the curve) but that is a tedious process.

Any suggestions?

Modbus TCP
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2 Answers
thomasw-1 avatar image
thomasw-1 answered ·

Please have a look into Modbus register definition at Request the Excel-based overview from Victron.

On my side registers 840-843 work well.

As I can see register 1030 is deprecated and covered phase 1 energy, was therefore not related to battery.

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enrique-marquez avatar image
enrique-marquez answered ·

Hello Peter,


To get data of battery you need a battery monitor , ej. BMV700 and you see all data in registers 259-326 with the id corresponding, the registers 840-843 are corresponding to battery monitor selected in the GX\System Setup/battery monitor


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peter-vddriessche avatar image peter-vddriessche commented ·

Thanks Enrique.

I have a can-Bus monitored battery and no BMV700. That explains why I cannot read registers 301-302 (charged and discharged energy), I suppose. I can read 840-843, though, but are not in kWh but in V, A or W.

Would it help for 301-302 if I select in the GX/Ssytem setup not "Can-Bus' but "Multiplus II on VE.bus"?

Best regards

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enrique-marquez avatar image enrique-marquez peter-vddriessche commented ·

Hello Peter, You would not get any changes, the only monitor that has that information is the bmv because it does the calculation in its firmware.

Your option would be to install a small smart shunt connected by VE.Direct to have that information without it being the main battery monitor.

Best regards.

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