
Allan avatar image
Allan asked

Blue solar 75/15, suddenly no charge using preset

  1. I have a Victron 75/15 a 100w solar panel and two Varta Ldf90 batteries.
    Today, I noticed the solar controller was showing 0 watts being generated although it was sunny. On further checking, there has been no charge going into the batteries for 2 days. This morning, I received a firmware update for my 75/15 which installed correctly. Immediately afterwards, the controller showed 20w being generated which quickly dropped to zero even though it was sunny.
    I checked the battery settings in the app and changed the battery preset to default. The controller then showed power being generated by the panel. When I changed back to user defined preset,( Varta LFD90) the controller again showed 0 watts.
    Any ideas why the presets suddenly don’t work?
    The controller operation mode is set to Batterylife.
mppt charging
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


If it is sudden check the fuse, it's the most likely culprit. The second possible issue is the battery has had an event.

Then check battery voltage and connections to the mppt with a meter and physically.

If that is all good then check your panel open circuit voltage maybe they have had an issue. Did the app show what voltage they were at?

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2 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Please send screen shots of the app pages. including the history pages

is the battery FULL . As Alexandra says whats the battery voltage whats the voltage at the regulator. check the fuse, NUMBER one

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Allan avatar image
Allan answered ·

Thanks both, I have solved the issue. Fuse and batteries were fine. It looks like a recent firmware update had enabled the Low Temperature setting in the battery settings, it was originally disabled. It was around 3 degrees outside when I had the problem, and changing the preset to default disabled the low battery setting once again, allowing the charger to operate.

I have disabled the setting again on the preset I use and all seems fine again. Thanks for your help.

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