
dylan-pincus avatar image
dylan-pincus asked

Orion-Tr 12 12 30 Non-Isolated Inconsistent behavior

I am looking for some help with an odd issue I'm seeing with the my camper van setup. I have 2 Battleborn 100Ah batteries in parallel. The Orion is hooked up to the van battery with 4awg wire spanning about 25 ft, with a shared ground running to the van chassis. Charging works normally sometimes, but other times the input voltage will drop to ~8 volts triggering the engine shutdown detection. It will then go through a cycle of slowing ramping back up to ~14.2V then immediately dropping back down as soon as charging commences. When charging does work, it runs for hours with no problem. I have double checked the wiring multiple times and have not been able to find any issues so I'm struggling to determine the cause. I have measured the voltage at the vehicle battery during these voltage drops and it remains constant.

Anyone have any thoughts or encountered anything similar?

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
markmoto avatar image
markmoto answered ·

Do you have smart alternator?

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dylan-pincus avatar image dylan-pincus commented ·

No, so I've been using the regular alternator settings as well as trying to adjust the thresholds up and down

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