
Martin Gasthuber avatar image
Martin Gasthuber asked

control CHP system by merging two control systems


just got the micro CHP (2kw on the electrical side) running and now facing a more efficient controling of that device. Both 'overflow' areas (soil based for hot water and heater for the electric part) are controled by an UVR16x2 from Technische Alternative. In order to get this running i need to export the SOC and state of the 3 Multiplus devices with a reasonable rate (i.e. once per minute) to the UVR16x2 to drive the logic and finally generate the signal to start (or stop) the CHP machine. The UVR16x2 could receive modbus data (my understanding of first reading on this). I'm wondering if someone has already done connecting a Venus (GX) with the UVR16x2 systems ?

best regards,


Multiplus-IIVenus OSModbus TCPchp
2 |3000

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protoss avatar image protoss commented ·
Hey... *ping* no updates? I am as well very interessted - having a similar setup.

Purchasing the Cerbo GX, I expected a but more programming capabilities as there is already implemented in the Multiplus II Assistants - so something more into the direction of a UVR16x2. Of coures by a profound prior research, this could be found easily - now, I find myself with a bit of advance webinterface Cerbo Gx, two relays with super limited configuration options and some data logger functions.

The MP Assistants are a really a fine idea, but that lags in turn as well connections to the "outer world" in terms of status monitoring or inclusion of external system components / sensors.

If one leaves the standard use case, e.g. in private home energy systems, I feel a bit lost with the victron solution. An SOC and/or battery current, accessible in an UVR16x2, would turn by project from something difficil/handcrafted to something like professional and maintainable.

Would be glad to find some assistance, and save the effort of a DIY-solution... :-)

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protoss avatar image protoss protoss commented ·

To give an answer to my point by myself - in case there are interested readers:

Discover the Node-Red world in which Victron integrated many of their products. By discovering this super amazing world, at least me, I am thinking more into the direction to integrated my UVR16x2 into the Red Node world ....

On interest you may read that one:


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