
yep avatar image
yep asked

Quattro or Cerbo blocks MPPT charging


Configuration: Cerbo GX (DVCC is on), Quattro 5000 (Firmware version 476) and MPPT 150/35.


When the Quattro is connected to the grid and loading batteries, MPPT charging is (almost) blocked.

The only situation when the MPPT is allowed to charge is when the Quattro status is bulk.

What can I do? Thanks!

mppt charging
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13 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


A bit more info is needed like what batteries do you have? How DVCC works depending on what the batteries are.

And are there any assistants programmed on your inverter?

If you don't have any assistants you can drop your input current limit down to make your solar work harder to charge the batteries

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yep avatar image
yep answered ·



The input current limit is on 90A.

I've got 12 OPzV gel batteries, 600 Ah.

'If you don't have any assistants you can drop your input current limit down to make your solar work harder to charge the batteries'

Ok, but that means continuesly adjusting the input current limiter.

I have heared that DVCC has the capability do give the MPPT priority, also in absorption, float and storage..

But it just doesn't work that way except in bulk state.

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Yep

This DVCC 'priority' thing doesn't work for me in regards to Absorb or Float states. And perhaps was never intended to in setups not under Ext Control.

The workaround for me was to set the Multi/Quattro charger's Abs/Float settings just 0.1 V lower than the mppt's. That's not much at 48V, and it will work at lower than that, but the 0.1 V makes it decisive. You could try lower if you had a system V of < 48.

Also, for many people having two charging sources applying Abs at varying times isn't wanted. In that case I'd consider setting both the Quattro's Abs & Float to (say) 0.1 V lower than the mppt Float.

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yep avatar image
yep answered ·


Very interesting suggestion.

MPPT is now (abs/flt) 28,4/27,6 and Quattro 27,5/27,5.

Let's see what happens when the sun is shining.

I'll be back.

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yep avatar image
yep answered ·
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yep avatar image
yep answered ·

Solution 2 to stop loading from the Quattro via the Cerbo settings was not successful. But, I was able to realize this via the MK3. The 230V now goes directly to the output and the solar panels now charge the batteries. As soon as the sun starts to shine more, I switch to solution 1.

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yep avatar image
yep answered ·

Hi Alexandra,

Thanks (and a bit late).

DVCC is 'on' en there are no assistants.

Batrteries are Sonnenschein Gel 24V, 600 Ah.

I can put the limiter down but then I will loose sunshine.

I have tried several solutions now.

Most of them block solar and only gridpower provides me with power.

I am looking for a configuration which only prioritises solar.

Thanks in advance.

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Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Yep

What kind if system is this?

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yep avatar image
yep answered ·

Cerbo GX, Quattro 5000, MPPT 150/35, Gel, 12 x 2v 600 Ah.

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yep avatar image
yep answered ·

Anyone an idea?

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edvanz avatar image
edvanz answered ·

Try to connect the MPPT to a different terminal on the battery bank than the Quattro. The MPPT sees the Quattro charging voltage as the bank voltage. In my own setup where there are 2x Quattro's 8000 and 2x MPPT 150/70 and a Skylla-i I had the same situation ,the Skylla-i always stayed in float while the Quattro was charging, I also ran a voltage detection cable to different posts on the bank, it is a shame that the MPPT's don't have that possibility, and also set the voltages off the chargers a little bit offset by 0.1v.

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yep avatar image
yep answered ·

Hi Ed,

Thanks!!! The MPPT is already connected to the batteries away from the connection of the Quattro. I also tried different voltage settings but no succes. I hpoe that Victron will find a solution. Hopefully they will respond.



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yep avatar image
yep answered ·

Just received an e-mail from Victron (excellent Sunday service).

In fact it's a problem which can't be solved.

The power from the Quattro is too high compared to the MPPT power.

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