
sampeett avatar image
sampeett asked

Orion working but not showing as charging on my shunt display despite my MPPT shows as charging both negatives run before the shunt


orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Sampeett

The Orion GND can go to the Load side of the shunt, and the batteries should also be linked together there as well. If you have a chassis ground link, make sure that follows this requirement, and doesn't bypass the shunt.

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sampeett avatar image
sampeett answered ·

Should the ground from the Orion go to the shunt? Before you ask the shunt is not backwards as in the daytime the shunt displays that it is receiving + and it also flashes.

When I start the engine the Orion displays 14.3 for the vehicle battery and 14.5 for the leisure batteries. However the shunt display shows -14.5v and does not flash.

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