
rnr102 avatar image
rnr102 asked

Automatic control of grid setpoint

Hello. I have a MultiPlus-II 3000 inverter + Raspberry Pi 3 (Venus OS) for control + MK3-USB.
I want to charge the batteries at a specific time (for example, only at night when I have cheap electricity), as well as discharge in the evening in the network when electricity is expensive. I experimented with manually controlling ESS-> GridSetpoint, but would like to do it automatically. Is such functionality already implemented? If not, tell me how I can implement it?

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3 Answers
markus avatar image
markus answered ·


you could use Modbus TCP to set the Grid Setpoint from a PLC or some other control computer.

See here:

Grid power setpoint - Modbus-TCP register 2700

Positive: take power from grid. Negative: send power to grid.

Default: 30 W.

This register has range -32768W to 32767W (scale factor=1). Use register 2703 for a larger range (scale factor=0.01).

Best Regards,


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Warwick Bruce Chapman avatar image Warwick Bruce Chapman commented ·

Yes, we have done this before with Control4 home automation with a ModbusTCP driver to write to the registers - in our case 2703 because it was a large system.

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martijnt avatar image martijnt commented ·
I've tried using this and for some reason, I cannot get it to accept negative values. Setting it to a positive value works, when running a debug output (Node-RED) I see the value change over time to the new value, but negative values: nothing.

Any clue?

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martijnt avatar image martijnt martijnt commented ·
After much searching, it seems you have to set it to 65536 + (your negative value), so -500 would be 65036. Weird.
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rnr102 avatar image
rnr102 answered ·

Thank you very much.
I managed to understand the Modbus-TCP protocol.
In my case it was 37 register. I can change the value manually using the Modbus Poll program.
Now I will think about further implementation.

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Meine_Energiewende avatar image
Meine_Energiewende answered ·

You can also set the grid setpoint via MQTT.


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