
dam avatar image
dam asked

Multiplus com AC Coupling +mppt + 20kwh lipo4

Multiplus II 32A + SMA Sunny BOY 3600tl-20 + mppt + 20kwh Lipo4

Advice to connect the parts all?

1- I was thinking of connecting the SMA in ac coupling

om multiplus II with

some 8 panels of 280w;

2-8 direct panels to batteries by mppt

Thanks for your suggestions

thank you

AC PV Coupling
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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

It is possible to have both AC coupled and MPPT at the same time if you want.

If you have a choice of one or the other, then MPPT would be better than AC coupling.

If you decide to do AC coupling, there are two more choices, Grid Parallel (AC-IN) or Grid In-Line (AC-OUT)?
With Grid In-Line your Sunny Boy will be having 2240Wp? This will be below the 1:1 rule, so OK for the MultiPlus II. With this topology, MultiPlus II will keep the Sunny Boy working if the grid fails.

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Mihai Oltean avatar image Mihai Oltean commented ·


1. How MPPT connection is made?

2. In the case of AC-coupling (Grid Parallel type) how can I charge the batteries only from solar? How can I discharge them only when there is not enough solar power?

thank you

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dam avatar image
dam answered ·

Thank you for your help

From what I've read, my fr3s can not do ac-couplig. Right?

I think of coupling the Sunnyboy 3600TL-20 with the AC-OUT to control the power per frequency, but I am limited to 2400w with the multiplus 3000 II in case of power failure at night, because if I can only use 2400w of multiplus + the power of the SMA. Right?

Is there an advantage in doing AC-coupling with the Frontos symo (for example) in relation to the SMA 3600tl (or other)?

what is the maximum power that can go through the "Critical Charges" in multiplus II?

I know that without the presence of the network I can only inject with the inverter 2400w.

Basically I wanted to know if it's possible to "load" the whole house (32A) into ACin

Explaining .... if you have contracted from network 32A of the network,

can I pass this entire chain through the multiplus II before entering the house distribution board?


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