
alainb avatar image
alainb asked

Voltage MPPT 75/15 Float and absorption

I have two 100W solar panels on my vehicle, an MPPT 75/15 with a Banner Energy Bull 12v 130 ah slow discharge lead acid battery on a motorhome.
In the MPPT 75/15 configurations, there are no voltage configurations for slow discharge lead acid batteries for absorption and float voltage.
14.4 for absorption and 13.1V for float, do you think it is correct?
We sometimes see a higher floating voltage (13.8 V), but this does not risk causing the evaporation of the electrolyte during the period of non-use?

mppt charging
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1 Answer
michelg avatar image
michelg answered ·

Hi, usually batteries need to be checked once a month and filled with distilled water. This avoid such issues.


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