
lykke avatar image
lykke asked

MPPT stays in bulk above charge voltage limit - EasySolar + SimpBMS

I'm commissioning my new powerwall and encountered an issue which I do not understand.

My unit consists of some solar panels, an EasySolar 5000 and a 12s BMW i3 battery equipped with SimpBMS. I have set charge voltage limit (CVL) to 4.05V/cell = 48.6V in the BMS and in the multi using Victron connect.

I would then expect the MPTT charger to switch to float at 48.6V, but it seems to remain in bulk mode.

The CCGX shows the CVL to be 48.6V (BMS section) and the MPPT section shows BMS control.

Any ideas? Thank you in advance :-)

mppt charging
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1 Answer
lykke avatar image
lykke answered ·

Seems I may need to activate DVCC - will try and see how that works out :-)

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