
rensw avatar image
rensw asked

How set Ess mode 2 or Ess mode 3

i want to control a EasySolar-II 48/3000/35-32 MPPT 250/70 GX over modbus, i have read about the ESS modes. I want to use Ess mode 2 or 3. but i do not know how i can set those modes.

I am able to read and write all data though modbus. i just dont know how i can see in what ESS mode the device is.

How do i set the ESS mode on the device ? perhaps via remote console, modbus or VE-configure ?

Thanks in advance,


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3 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @rensW,

Changing the mode setting is described in the ESS Mode 2 and 3 manual, in section 3.3.

On the GX device, Settings→ESS→Mode to external control.

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carsten2 avatar image
carsten2 answered ·

How can mode 2 be set? It is not possible from the GUI? The dbus setting "Settings/CGwacs/Hub4Mode" is always 1 on the first three settings and 3 on the last (External Control).

What is actually the difference between these two modes? Is the only difference that Settings/CGwacs/MaxChargePercentage is honored?

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cross-entropy avatar image
cross-entropy answered ·

Did you figure this out?

Posting via MQTT to Hub4Mode set it to '2' correctly.

The AcPowerSetPoint now is no longer valid for all 3 phases and needs apparently to be set for each multi separately, compared to Mode 1, which would try to implement the setpoint on the meter.

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