
bathnm avatar image
bathnm asked

Orion TR Smart, Ignition and Alternator Detection


I have an Orion TR Smart between my 24v Lithium bank and 12v Bank to keep the 12v bank charged. The Orion TR Smart has Both a software controlled switch via the Input Voltage lock-out and Engine Shut down detection as well as the ability to do it via the remote on/off.

Is there a priority between these, in that if the remote on/off is enabled it dose not follow the software controlled switch and visa versa

The reason for the question is that when I am away I would like the 24v Lithium bank to keep the 12v bank at float, unless the Lithium bank declines below say 26.8v; yet while onboard and using the systems want the Orion TR Smart to keep the 12v system running, only switching. off if the BMS load disconnect triggers. My reason is that while away I do not want the Lithium to discharge so far that the BMS load disconnect triggers.

I have found that the Orion TR Smarts draw around .3A on the 24v buss to keep the 12v buss at Float as there is around a .5A parasitic load on the 12v bank, which the wind generator can't always keep up with.

Reading the manual it seems to imply that the "Engine detection override" (applying >7v to the L-pin of the remote on off activates an override. It then says "The charger is on as long as the “engine detection override” is active", so I read this that when the >7v is removed the software control will take over. Is this correct ?

If so I could set the Engine Detection to disconnect at 16.8v, yet if the barriers are less than this and the L-pin has >7v it will start charge.

Anyone know if this will work, before I start wiring and testing.

Many Thanks

orion-tr smart
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bathnm avatar image bathnm commented ·

I have just tested. when I put a positive signal onto the L-Pin the unit dose switch off, however when it is removed the unit still stays on. I have reset the unit to defaults and it still doesn't switch off when the 12v is removed from the L-Pin.

It would seem that the L-Pin having >7v will start charging, but not stop it.

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