
jorge-gonzalez avatar image
jorge-gonzalez asked

Modbus-TCP register list

is not possible to read excel file "Modbus-TCP register list", please where we can get it??

Modbus TCP
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7 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·


The Modbus-TCP register list available here. I just downloaded it and opened it myself and it is working.

You can also see the available devices and addresses on the unit itself, as described here in the Modbus TCP manual.

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ugrid avatar image
ugrid answered ·

Hello Guy Stewart,

Can you help me understand if following two registers (MODBUS TCP) provide the same information?

com.victronenergy.battery Low voltage alarm 268 uint16 1 0 to 65535 /Alarms/LowVoltage

com.victronenergy.vebus Low battery alarm L3 53 uint16 1 0 to 65535 /Alarms/L3/LowBattery

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one comes from a battery monitor / BMS, and the other comes from ve.bus device (inverter), specifically the L3 inverter. there is also a general alarm I think. please look them up.

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ugrid avatar image ugrid Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

Can you point me to a document which provides more information on register addresses and services (column B in the spreadsheet) ? I want to create a list of registers that provide unique reading / value.

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trenton avatar image
trenton answered ·

looking for the Modbus-TCP register list the download link is not valid

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Hi @Trenton,

I just tested it myself then and it worked? The file downloaded and I was able to view it.


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alexsmith2k avatar image
alexsmith2k answered ·

The link sends you an email but the link does not work?

Does anyone have a direct download link?

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Hi @alexsmith2k,

I have just tested it and it works for me?

Can you try manually copying the link and pasting it into your browser to see if that works, it might be some pop-up blocker that is preventing it.

Does it give you an error message of any kind?

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alexsmith2k avatar image alexsmith2k Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi Guy,

Worked like a charm when I copied the link directly to the browser, how embarrassing, thanks for your help.

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trenton avatar image
trenton answered ·

as a previous user that tried to download this document which I did eventually figure out

it is kind of cryptic to get to, but you do need a email that you can send the link to for whatever reason there is not a direct link nor is there anything on the web site stating that a valid email is needed even the picture provided there is no real mention to send a link to a email until after you figured it out

the extra hoops to jump through to get to the documents needed should be laid out better and clear

if you click on the link it should prompt you to put in a email address I had to switch browsers to get that prompt so make sure you are getting prompted to enter a email address

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suggarman avatar image
suggarman answered ·


i have a second EM24 configured as "ac load" with ID 31 for a heat pump.

In the console of the cerbo gx i can see all values of the meter.

Now i want to read out the values via openhab. The registers 2600 and following with ID 31 cause an error.

How do i get the data?



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You have to get it from register 3900 and onwards instead for com.victronenergy.acload.*.

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suggarman avatar image
suggarman answered ·

The registers for that EM24 start at 3900. Thank you Dirk-Jan.

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