
breathe avatar image
breathe asked

Possible undercharging and question on VRM?

Hi. We recently installed a Victron SmartSolar MPPT 150/100-TR, MPPT control display, and three LG 375 watt panels. Our house batteries are 6 Lifeline GL-4 (6 volt in parallel for 12 volt x 3 series) giving us 660ah at 12 volts. We have a Xantrex Linklite Battery Monitor and Xantrex 2012 charger/inverter.

We are finding that we are going into float mode by 10-11 am most days but the xantrex is consistently showing that we are still negative 5-15ah at end of day. All Victron settings are set to specifications recommended by Lifeline batteries. We have plenty of power, but the Victron seems to be going into float mode too early. Does that sound right?

The Xantrex has a temperature/voltage monitor. Would adding the Victron Smart Battery Sense solve our issue??? other ideas/recommendations?

on a separate note, if we want to be able to see charging when not on the boat, I understand we need GX/VRM with cell service. what would be recommended for use with the SmartSolar MPPT.



mppt charging
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1 Answer
Rob Fijn avatar image
Rob Fijn answered ·

Hello Breathe,

Have a look at this:

Then you would need some cable (VE.Direct) for the connection to the MPPT and the BMV.

VRM is a great logging tool. Also the trend lines, this will give you a good feeling of where your energy is going or is coming from .

All the best, Rob

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