
bossrox avatar image
bossrox asked

Bulk, absorption & float observation & suggestion

Now that I've got the time to study the 150/100 controller with the graphical interface, watch it's performance & customize settings, I'm wondering now why there's even a need for multiple algarhythms?

When I had it set from the rotary switch it seemingly intuitively charged the expected amount of time in bulk & absorption with float kicking in near the expected tail current.

But now that I've only changed the charge voltage from 28.8 to 29.0, when it reaches 29 v it bypasses absorption & goes right to float with about a 30 amp tail current. That's not charging efficiently like that.

Wouldn't it be less complicated with all the algarhythms choices, that it just worked like any car battery charger that just goes full blast until it reaches a determined tail current then goes to float?

I'd like to know what if any, are the character differences electrically between bulk & absorption? It doesn't seem to me that absorption is really all that necessary since my understanding is the batteries need to get as much amps going into them as possible til it hits the predetermined tail current. Am I off on this?

Would love to get a better understanding of these relationships, a better grasp understanding the algarhythms & how I can set the controller to use absorption til it reaches it set tail current.

mppt charging
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1 Answer
billknny avatar image
billknny answered ·


You are asking some very basic questions about battery charging, and it is hard to answer your question in brief. There are a LOT of resources out there already written about how to charge batteries and what bulk, absorption, and float charging is, and why it is important.

May I suggest you read this:

and then come back with more specific questions if you have any left.

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