
joe-r avatar image
joe-r asked

Can 510W of solar panels be connected to a 100/30 MPPT in 12V

I already have a 100/30 MPPT controller. I am planning on connecting 3 Zamp solar panels @170W ea to a combiner box in parallel. Total Pmax would be 510W. Vmp of panels is 18v. Max power current for each panel is 9.4. The panels will be mounted flat on my RV roof. I know the documentation says a max of 450W for this controller, but I have read articles about oversizing your array for your controller is OK as any excess power will be clipped and those articles have also said that a larger array will harvest more power earlier in, and later in the day, as well as on cloudy days, or if there is partial shading due to trees. Will a potential of 60W above the charge controller documented max cause harm to the controller on those days when there is full unobstructed sun.

mppt charging
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2 Answers
Rob Fijn avatar image
Rob Fijn answered ·

Hello Joe, check this link

Maybe this can help you.

regards, Rob

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joe-r avatar image joe-r commented ·

Thanks for the links. I read the article and it appears to me that going beyond the total wattage is not a problem as long as you don;' exceed the max open voltage circuit or the max short circuit current. My panels are connected in parallel so the 100 volts isn't a problem and the panels at 9.5A each adds up to 28A so that looks good as well. Am I reading it correctly?

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Rob Fijn avatar image Rob Fijn joe-r commented ·

Hello Joe, Yes you got it right. Your setup will work perfectly.

Good luck with your project.

Regards, Rob

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Joe R

That would be fine. Paralleling the panels may see some issues in low light, as they're low-V panels.

Me, I'd series-wire them and avoid the combiner box too.

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