
gnagflow avatar image
gnagflow asked

how can multiplus 1 be used as charger in combination with a multiplus 2 as master and one gx?

I have a mp1 5000/48 and a mp2 5000/48, is it possible to run both in parallel on on battery, or at least to use the mp1 to increase the battery charging power?

Multiplus-IIbattery chargingcharger
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3 Answers
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @gnagflow

It is not possible to parallel different model inverters and synchronise the AC outputs. for more information:

It -is- possible to increase charging power with an extra inverter, or use the other unit with seperate AC output, but please make sure you know what you're doing to build a well working system. There are also other limitations (e.g. on the VE.bus if there is a GX device as well, or depending on the type of batteries, managed or not, etc. etc.)

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gnagflow avatar image
gnagflow answered ·

Thank you for your quick answer! Are there any information sources how to configure the mp1 only as Charger with one gx. Reason is, I have about 5.5 kw pv power and can only charge about 3.5kw with the mp2 5000va into my 40kwh battery bank.

Thank you!

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Hi @gnagflow

if connected to the output, you'll have to split up your solar power in order to adhere to the 1:1 rule.

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gnagflow avatar image gnagflow Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi Daniel, I dont see a problem with the 1:1 rule. I only have an 5kW inverter with oversized panels and the 5000VA multiplus 2. Excess power is backfeeded to the grid. The question remains. How can I use another MP1 5000VA only as a charger to increase charging power up to 5kW?

thank you for your help!

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gnagflow avatar image
gnagflow answered ·

I use an external bms and control Charger/inverter with two signals.

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