
vincent avatar image
vincent asked

Parallel Multiplus II High Availability Mode (active/active)

For parallel systems, can we have an active/active HA mode?

ie, if one inverter is in error state, boot it out of the configuration and continue without interruption.

I realize the danger here is it could be just a comms failure, and now you have both inverters turned on, in parallel, but not knowing about each other. So if we check for comms, and one inverter is in some error state (but can still comm and confirm its output is off), then is there any other reason not to do this?

I'm imagining a situation like, the DC fuse blows on one inverter but not the other, or some other issue with the input section on one of the pair. In a situation where high availability is paramount, there isn't much reason for the good inverter to turn itself off.

This would also be useful for servicing, you could take one inverter offline at a time for things like firmware updates or cleaning the dust out of the fans, without taking the system offline.

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1 Answer
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ยท

Hi, yes this would be real nice, and discussed now and then internally, but lots of corner cases to make sure that there is no unsafe situation being created.

so, not on any near future roadmap. Sorry.

what we do have is a filax: transferswitch.

but thats an active/passive HA, as long as the Filax doesn fail, since thats then a single point of failure.

All the best Matthijs

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vincent avatar image vincent commented ยท

Ok, understood, thank you.

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