
svsimple avatar image
svsimple asked

Capacity not accessible via ModBusTCP or DBUS

I get a [0] value when trying to retrieve data from ModBus TCP register 309 in com.victronenergy.battery

I also tried DBUS and access to /Capacity is not available either. Throws an error:

ERROR:dbus.proxies:Introspect error on :1.51:/Capacity: dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownObject

Running on Cerbo GX with current version (2.51) and BMV 712 with latest firmware (4.03).

Is there another register to get the configured battery capacity parameter via ModBus TCP or via DBUS?

Modbus TCP
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1 Answer
Rob Howdle avatar image
Rob Howdle answered ยท


I've never been able to get data from this register (using Venus GX for over 2 years and lots of firmware updates). Kept meaning to post a reference to this issue, but never got round to it - thanks for the prompt!

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svsimple avatar image svsimple commented ยท

Sounds like a bug that has not been addressed. :-)

Is there a better place to report such bugs?

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cycl0ne avatar image cycl0ne commented ยท

Same here, in the Remote Console you can see the Value -> Modbus = 0

Same for :

System; number of batteries 1286

Also sends 0. and in remote console it says: 4

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