
Oskari Teeri avatar image
Oskari Teeri asked

Cannot get remote port via API

We are trying to get remote port through API, but the API is returning an empty set (as seen in Python):

{u'records': {u'data': {u'152': []},
              u'meta': {u'152': {u'code': u'rs',
                                 u'description': u'Remote support port',
                                 u'formatValueOnly': u'%.0F',
                                 u'formatWithUnit': u'Port %.0F'}}},
 u'success': True}

The remote port is enabled and showing in the remote console via VRM website.

The request URL is:


Am I understanding the syntax correctly?

api dc system
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4 Answers
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi Oskar, it looks ok to me.

but what I’d use is the diagnostics endpoint; instead of the graphs endpoint.

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Oskari Teeri avatar image
Oskari Teeri answered ·


I still cannot figure out how to get the remote support port. Remote support is enabled, but cannot get it through the diagnostics API.

I can get the basic diagnostics view, but cannot query 'rs' (=remote support port).<inst_id>/diagnostics?count=1

What should I add here so I could get the remote port?

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Fabio De Pascale avatar image
Fabio De Pascale answered ·

Having a similar issue, also posted on another question (here: No matter what I do, all Graph endpoints return empty data, even if the data shows correctly in VRM.

Inst_id: 57479
Example endpoint used:[]=SOC


    "success": true,
    "records": {
        "data": {
            "51": []
        "meta": {
            "51": {
                "code": "SOC",
                "description": "State of charge",
                "formatValueOnly": "%.1F",
                "formatWithUnit": "%.1F %%"
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darren-tan avatar image
darren-tan answered ·

You have to specify the instance number. This can be found in the diagnostics endpoint

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