
saman-daneshvar avatar image
saman-daneshvar asked

DC DC Converters


I have some questions regarding selecting components for a research project. Is there any way I can speak with a technical expert from Victron?

Additionally, I read that Victron does not manufacture Bidirectional DC/DC Converters. We are considering using the following topology and would like to know if it can receive commands from any protocols to transfer power in both directions.

Thank you,



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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

Those are not bidirectional. You're correct (though the photos threw me off) that the top unit would need to be a 24/12, and the bottom unit would need to be a 12/24; that will work fine, but of course they don't communicate with each other so they'll function independently. They do not have data comms at all so they will not be able to directly receive any sort of command - but they do have a remote switch port, so you could probably use an external commanded relay to switch them as necessary.

For more details, the user manuals and datasheets are available directly on Victron's consumer-facing site:

Or you can contact your local authorized Victron distributor for assistance in product selection:

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Thank you Justin.

I am working on a research project involving a DC-coupled battery and solar setup. In this system, an AC/DC inverter is connected to the battery, and the solar panels are connected to the battery through a DC/DC converter. The goal is to remotely control the amount of power flowing from the solar panels to the battery and from the battery to the grid through a PLC using Modbus (or any other protocol). I have seen posts about enabling and disabling the inverter remotely using Modbus, but I haven't found any information on controlling the power flow. I am trying to understand if I can use Victron products for this custom design and to determine which products/specs might be necessary. Any support would be greatly appreciated.


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