
jacques60 avatar image
jacques60 asked

Smart lithium not balancing

New batteries 4x100Ah - Charger: Quick 40Ah with 14,1v in absorption and 13,5v in float mode - BMS Smart CL 12/100 (14,2v max charge) - The charger works for about 2 hours and then goes in float mode. I tried to turn off/on the charger, but in few minutes goes back in float mode. What's wrong? Thanks2024-07-05_Mancato bilanciamento celle.pdf

Battery Balancer
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3 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Switching VictronConnect to english would be nice if you ask in an english forum :)

The problem are not the batteries it is properly the charger.

The charger needs to hold a voltage above 13.8V for a while for the balancing.

The first balancing can take a hour our two.

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jacques60 avatar image
jacques60 answered ·

I'm not on a boat, I made hard copies of my cell phone (and yes, I'm Italian). The charger provides 14.1v, which is more than 13.8. Thanks, but it remains a mystery...

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On your screenshots it doesn't look like that the charger is reaching more than 13.8V.

The charger needs to hold a voltage above 13.8V for 1 or 2h for the balancing.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

You have a small constant discharge once the system goes into float which won't help.

Try increasing to float voltage a little.

If you can post a wiring diagram and/or a picture of the batteries/wiring it would help

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