
billy4eggs avatar image
billy4eggs asked

MultiPlus II - Using free electricity with batteries and no solar.

Hi All,

Many thanks for your time!

Where I live, we have a cheap rate of electricity for certain hours per day and also have so many free hours per day.

I want to use a MultiPlus II 5000 with Lithium batteries. I was looking at feeding the grid directly into the MultiPlus, and then its output will be to my existing panel/distribution board. Obviously, there will be necessary isolation, etc., Using the Cebo GX and display or direct USB. I was going to set the hours for battery charging to maximise the free or low-cost hours per day.

When the batteries are low and are unable to provide power I want it to default in this period to the grid. But if batteries are above their set minimum SOC, then they will deliver.

I have read the manual for the inverter, and it seems to say this is possible but in not so many words.

Later, I will add PV and MPT but not straight away.

What do you think?


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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


You would need to program the ESS assistant. So you can control depth of discharge and a unch of things.

How you program ESS depends on your battery. Some have victron walk through manuals.

Set up DESS on the vrm. This allows you to program times to charge and discharge periods and even the rates.

See related resources on this page.

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