
dave-brannigan avatar image
dave-brannigan asked

Level alarms not working

Hi All,

I have several alarms configured and most of them work just fine for battery capacity and voltage etc, but I have two programmed for water tank low levels and neither of these send an email or appear in the alarm log when the condition exists. The Tank Volume has been calibrated at 180L, Low level alarm is set at 30L resetting at 60L. The high level is set to 200 resetting at 199 as I don't care if I overfill. I note when setting these up I have a choice of fluid level or tank level parameters. What is the difference?

I have just noticed that the Low alarms were not set for the device in the device list so I'll need to wait until empty again before I know if that was it, but I'd still be interested to know the difference between tank level and fluid level in the setup options.


vrm alarm
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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

Tank level is in %, fluid level is in liters or gallons or whatever unit has been chosen in the set up.

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dave-brannigan avatar image dave-brannigan commented ·
Interesting, thank you! My level devices (all resistive) are configured to read litres but if I try and set the alarm in VRM to use fluid level it says no device connected. Change it to Tank level and it is happy? VRM displays volume remaining in Litres. Remote console displays both % level and Litres. I guess time will tell if it works as expected but it's not particularly intuitive. Thanks again.
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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell dave-brannigan commented ·
I should have said that all mine (LPG, diesel, water + waste) ate configured as tank volume for the VRM alarms and all work well.
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