
bs-hybridgenerator avatar image
bs-hybridgenerator asked

VRM Alarm rules BUG

Edit a value in a alarm rule doesn't get saved after edit. Have worked before, but have been a bug for more than 3 weeks now. Workaround solution is to delete rule and add a rule with new values, but it would be nice to get this error solved.

vrm alarm
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7 Answers
Vaibhav Vaidya avatar image
Vaibhav Vaidya answered ·

+1 for this bug.

After adding an alarm via API, I tried to use PUT to edit the value per the official API bundle. The API response shows as if it is successful with the returned data showing the new edited values, but if I view the alarm setup in the VRM UI it still has the old value. The value specifically was for the lowhysteresis number.

The challenge is that the API doesn't seem to have a DELETE for an alarm rule so I'm stuck.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·
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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Thanks for the report, I'll pass it up to VRM team to investigate.

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dutchsolarfreak avatar image
dutchsolarfreak answered ·

+1 for this bug

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi All,

Thanks for your bug reports, the VRM team has just applied a fix and it should now be resolved.

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Vaibhav Vaidya avatar image
Vaibhav Vaidya answered ·

Not quite yet... it's getting confused between notifyAfterSeconds and NotifyAfterSeconds-

Request content

{ "idDataAttribute": 442, "instance": 6, "AlarmEnabled": 1,

"NotifyAfterSeconds": 84000,

"highAlarm": 9000, "highAlarmHysteresis": 3000, "lowAlarm": 1, "lowAlarmHysteresis": 5}


  • dataCollection

    • idDataAttributeLimit


    • idSite


    • idDataAttribute


    • instance


    • lowAlarm


    • lowAlarmHysteresis


    • highAlarm


    • highAlarmHysteresis


    • AlarmEnabled


    • NotifyAfterSeconds


    • alarmEnabled


    • notifyAfterSeconds


1 comment
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Thanks for the additional info, I've passed it on to the VRM team as well.
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Vaibhav Vaidya avatar image
Vaibhav Vaidya answered ·

Was this fixed?

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