
gmaijoe avatar image
gmaijoe asked

Charge Controller never leaves bulk mode

My solar charge controller seems to be working, but when I get close to my batteries absorption voltage I said on my four lithium iron phosphate batteries at 56.8 V the watts suddenly comes down from the solar charger and it gets into this spike pattern where it’s still in bulk mode but it’s charging the batteries in an erratic fashion where it doesn’t actually go into absorption phase

Is this a common occurrence? How long do I need to wait if so?

I’ve attached other stats below. my solar panels work because yesterday when they were charging the battery when it was mid charge, I was getting around 1300 W easily but now it’s hitting a wall somehow and trickle charging around 10 W while still being in bulk phase



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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Looks like the BMS is cutting the charge.

Please turn expert mode on and post the rest of your battery settings that come up.

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gmaijoe avatar image gmaijoe commented ·

I think I found the error? I turned off my inverter and this morning it exited bulk mode and went into absorption and float. For what it's worth, here is my expert mode.


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