
jon-lowbank avatar image
jon-lowbank asked

Cable type for Pelio to Cerbo GX connection

Hi, Which CAN-bus cable type for Pylontech Pelio Battery? as this is not mentioned in the manuals

Also While I here is this going to work. As the Minimum Venus firmware for Pylontech Pelio is listed in the first table of the pylontech manual as "imminent"

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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Just skip the ground connection if you are making your own. The ground is the only difference between the two types.

Then if it works it works.... If not i guess it may be in the works...? If it is not on the list it may be that it hasn't been tested in Victron R&D - so not officially supported. And you can always ask Pylontec for their answer.

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jon-lowbank avatar image
jon-lowbank answered ·

Have put it together coms seems to work fine with a Type A cable

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