
leon95 avatar image
leon95 asked

EV Charging Station NS not a graph vrm


on one installation, I can't get the graph to show the power consumed on the VRM with the EV Charging station NS...

Do you know how to get the graph down for the charger itself ?


ev charger ns
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1 Answer
Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Can you give me the vrm portal id?

2 |3000

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leon95 avatar image leon95 commented ·

ID c0619ab37052

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leon95 avatar image leon95 commented ·

Thank you. What was the problem?

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I don't know, we didn't do anything :)

Probably it needs some data, and only then the EVCS graph becomes visible.

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leon95 avatar image leon95 Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

I waited a long time...

Is there any way to get a charger into the Victron Connect?


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It is already, but only over Bluetooth. We will have it remotely as well, but I can't say for sure when.
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