
cstenger avatar image
cstenger asked

Orion-XS and Globallink520

I installed the Orion-XS today. But it doesn’t show up in the Globallink520 Smart Devices (unlike the Orion-Tr, that did) though instant readout is enabled.

Anyone familiar with this issue yet?

globallinkorion xs
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2 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @cstenger,

The GlobalLink 520 does not yet support the Orion XS.

Work is now under way.

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cstenger avatar image
cstenger answered ·

Now it sees the SmartSense at the Starter Battery and transmits data once in a while for a few seconds, but this "unknown" device doesn't even disappear when I turn instant readout off at the Orion. So it can't be it, right?


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Related Resources

Globalink Product page

Globalink Online Manual

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Orion XS product page

Orion XS datasheet

Orion XS manual (html)
