
williamv avatar image
williamv asked

DVCC settings

Can anyone advise if DVCC settings for Limit Charge voltage and Limit Charge current overrides Pylontech BMS. I have tried numerous settings without any effect on these parameters. As soon as the batteries reach 100% SOC i receive High voltage alarm and high charge current alarms. Also #29 over charge protection MPPT 450/200. The alarms clear after 5 to 10mins when the SOC reduces but recurrs when SOC again reaches 100%. The batteries cells are fully balanced and in operation for about 3 months. Any advise greatly appreciated.

dvcc control for solar
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4 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Are the components charging the battery programmed correctly?

Do you have a correctly sized bank for the charge amps available?

Yes the charged voltage caps the bank voltage. And charge amps is system wide in DVCC.

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williamv avatar image
williamv answered ·

Many thanks for your reply. Very new to victron and learning as i go along. All settings are as outlined in victron docs. I have 12 x Pylontech US5000. 36 x 545W panels in 4 strings to MPPT RS 450/200. Lynx shunt and 5K victron quattro - all connected to Cerbo GX. System works great - just dont like the alarms and dont want to damage the batteries.

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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL commented ·

hi, you can also take a look at the following, section 9

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ Duivert NL commented ·
Nice one @Duivert NL I was returning to add that.

The only time charge current limit is not obeyed is when feedback to the grid is active. But you bank seems sufficient for the solar you have.

Have you individually bus barred them or have you daisy chained?

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williamv avatar image
williamv answered ·

I have 4 banks of 3 x US5000 - each bank parallel connected to lynx power in bus and then to lynx shunt and lynx dristributor.

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Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

Hi @WilliamV

When the charger is being driven by Cerbo and SoC is different from 100%, the charger (450/200 in your case) is working in a different way / mode than when the SoC is 100%.

When SoC = 100%, the charger <=> battery "virtual link" is somehow "disconnected" and the charger (read here MPPT) doesn't have a "buffer" where to dump eventual current spikes generated from uneven consumption. Hence those over - voltage, current, charging errors.

So, if you don't have a feed-in enabled, the idea is to keep that charger <=> battery "virtual link" active. This is done by forcing the charger to be ready all the time and this is done by not allowing the /Link/ChargeCurrent dbus value to never be 0 (zero).

Take it somehow like a particular quirk in the case of Victron - Pylontech cohabitation.

Take a look at the topic below and you'll find there the solution that's working in my case.


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williamv avatar image williamv commented ·
Hi Alex

i really appreciate you taking the time and giving the information. I am afraid it is a bit over my head However, i will try to work through it and see if i can find a solution. I dont think there is any damage being done to the battteries as I presume they are being protected by the pylontech BMS.

kind regards


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