
Jean-Pierre PALMAS avatar image
Jean-Pierre PALMAS asked

How to get an SMS_Token for the VRM API

Hello community, I have identification problems on the VRM API. I enter my credentials (login and password) but the application requires me an SMS_Token. How to get this SMS?
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2 Answers
Teun Lassche avatar image
Teun Lassche answered ·

It means you have 2-factor authentication enabled on your account. The SMS token get send to the phone number you entered while enabling 2-factor authentication on your account.

If you want the API without having to enter this SMS token you can always use personal access tokens:

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Jean-Pierre PALMAS avatar image
Jean-Pierre PALMAS answered ·
Thank you for your reply Teun Lassche, I went back to my VRM account and I checked ... I did not activate the 2-factor authentication! And I still can not get on the VRM API. I log in very well from the HTTP site ... I do not understand.
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Teun Lassche avatar image Teun Lassche ♦ commented ·

@Jean-Pierre PALMAS the HTTP site uses the exact same API as the one you are authenticating with. If you don't need to enter a SMS token there, it's also not necessary for the API. You can just omit it in the login request, see

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