
basswe avatar image
basswe asked


I bought a MK3-usb-c interface in Greece, I have troubles to connect. On the interface as well as the box is a sticker with UK CA. Is this version is different from the EU version??

If so the I have to replace it (send it back).

Thanks in advance.

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2 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

hi im sure there is only one version, the UK CA sticker is just a confirmity sticker (like CE)

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basswe avatar image basswe commented ·

I expected this answer, but just to be sure. Thank you

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cardy01 avatar image
cardy01 answered ·

The UK CA marking is the post-Brexit UK version of the CE mark it doesn't imply a physical difference in the product

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basswe avatar image basswe commented ·

I expected this answer, but just to be sure. Thank you

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