
ty-web avatar image
ty-web asked

MK3 Cerbo GX drop out


I have a Multiplus 2 with latest firmware, an MK3 thats new and a Cerbo GX running Firm 3.01.

The Cerbo and the M2 run fine passing data back and forward all day as they should on the VEbus. However when I connect the MK3 to the M2 to do some "tweaks" (still learning and fine tuning) about 2 minutes after the MK3 is connected the M2 goes off line with a Low battery fault. My assumption is the Cerbo is no longer talking on the VeBus when the MK3 is used. My BMS talks to the Cerbo via Can bus.

I notice in the Cerbo it states its VE.bus address is 1, I assume it has to be this to be the master. I then subsiquently assume the MK3 is also 1 as it needs to be the master to communicate with the rest of the network. Is this correct or can I change the Cerbo to be Add 3 and all should work (assuming the M2 has picked up add 2 on the VEbus.)

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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

You can't connect both at the same time. This is documented.

Unplug the cerbo from the vebus when you want to use the mk3 and return it when done.

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ty-web avatar image
ty-web answered ·

Thanks Nick

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