
minaman avatar image
minaman asked

Excess feed not counted?

Hi all,

I run a Multiplus II 5000 with an external Cerbo GX, latest firmware as of today is installed.

ESS is configured, does its job fine, battery charging/discharging all works perfect.

The only thing I see is that excess power fed into the grid is not correctly counted in the VRM portal. I have like yseterdaa a few kw feed-in (visible on the grid power as a big negative number) but at the end, the last days it says Grid feed in 0.3kWh. When I manually set the "Grid setpoint" to negative, like 1kw for an hour, it really counts and says 1.3kW later...

Also consumption is counted correctly.

I was a bit confused and thought maybe I checked not properly, nbut after some afternoon full of sun, 100% SOC and permanend 2-3kw excess feed (Ilimitd to 3kw) - it still said 0.3kwh the last 2 days. Sorry, I don't get it...

Any ideas?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Is your system...

Single phase?

Or single phase on a three phase system with a three phase meter?

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minaman avatar image minaman Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Hi Alexandra, it is a single phase system with one Multiplus II 5000 only.

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3 Answers
lifeingalicia avatar image
lifeingalicia answered ·

If I recall power is in W and Energy is in Kw/h so 2000W feed in for 8 minutes is 0.3Kw//h....

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minaman avatar image minaman commented ·

This is correct. But on a sunny day as like today, I see -1000 to -1500W for a few hours permanently. The last 24 view says:

To Grid

0.1 kWh

Which is simply not true.

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minaman avatar image
minaman answered ·

Like today, we had around constant 1.5kw over 2 hours. Max. feed-in was 3.2kw.
Counted was 0.1kwh.

THis came when I changed from MultiPlus II 3000 to MultiPlus II 5000 and merged the data together. Maybe it's a VRM bug...

15kwfor2h.png (5.2 KiB)
theday.png (47.7 KiB)
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lifeingalicia avatar image
lifeingalicia answered ·
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