
shaun-k avatar image
shaun-k asked

153 connection error

I have a new system and am trying to use it, since installation. I have the Cerbo GX and digital monitor.

VRM is set up, and I can then go to online portal via Victron Connect.

First thing to note on the screen it states last updated 7 months ago.

Remote console doesn’t connect.

Firmware update - ‘states connection established, retrieving list of devices’ but then comes up with an error message.

On checking the VRM online portal on my Cerbo monitor it has ‘#153 connection error. Failed to establish a new connection. Temporary failure in name resolution’.

VRM two way connection is on.

The set up is in an outbuilding so remote from our house Wi-Fi, the Cerbo internal Wi-Fi set up, states it is connected

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Is the WiFi connected to your house, or someone else's?
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Its not new if it has a 7 month old log

A bit down the page (3) there is information related to #153 there are a few causes and they all have to do with local routing. The message that follows helps diagnose what is the issue.

All has to be sorted locally not remotely obviously since it cant establish a connection to the vrm.

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