
ben-martin avatar image
ben-martin asked

Orion TR Smart DC-DC Isolated 24/12 - 20 as power supply

I have a simple system. 2x 12v LiPo 206 AH in series to run a 24 volt 3000 watt inverter. Connect the DC-DC TR Smart 24/12 - 20 amp with no load. The battery voltage drops to half and the inverter shuts off. There is no arching or sparking over heating, nothing but immediately drops the voltage. What would be causing this?

orion-tr smart
2 |3000

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1 Answer
madmaxx avatar image
madmaxx answered ·

Where did you connect your 3000W inverter? At the solar charger or the battery?
What cable diameter are you using?

Starting your converter could trigger a BMS cutoff due to an exceptional high inrush current.
What is the highest allowed load current for each of your 12V batteries?

Did you build your 12V yourself using used cells? Grown internal resistances could diminish your output voltage when connecting low ohm loads. This could trigger a low voltage cut-off by your BMS.

Is your system really capable to deal with a current of 3000 W / 24 V = 125 A?

2 |3000

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