
David Maza (Danilevitch) avatar image
David Maza (Danilevitch) asked

three phase system

Hi there ;

first I do appologie for my english. I am french and it's difficult to talk about electricity

I have a three phase System at home.

I will add a victron system. I was thinking about the system that you can see on the picture. Is it all right for you? Or can I do cheaper or better?

Feel free to let me know if I did mistake. It is my first solar system

I want to have more than 10Kw of solar system


system design
plan-solaire.jpg (1.1 MiB)
2 |3000

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4 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Hi you would have to use a lot more batteries then 2 us5000’s

At least 6 us5000’s or 12 us2000’s

See this guide:

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Ants Kosmos avatar image
Ants Kosmos answered ·

Pylontech is bull...t. Make self. Buy from alibaba 304ah cells 16pcs, aprox 2000€ 16kwh + 123Smart BMS. 60kwh is good for 3x 48/5000 multiplus 2. You have 16kwh 48v battery 2,5k€. Why this Touch GX ? Lot of money only. You see all this from lan computer, tablet, cellular. I have these and think buy + 3 Multis 48/5000. More power, +12kw.

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David Maza (Danilevitch) avatar image
David Maza (Danilevitch) answered ·

@duivert ol I understand for the battery. I will do something else.

@Ants Kosmos I did t know that I can monitor it with LAN

But is my system allright? I live in the south of France and I would like have low power bill (stay out of grid ) .

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Ants Kosmos avatar image Ants Kosmos commented ·

You can check from lan Cerbo GX or install Venus os to Raspberry Pi.

This is from cellular


And all data you see in VRM portal too.

You find self battery seller ? Multiplus seller is Nkon.

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David Maza (Danilevitch) avatar image David Maza (Danilevitch) Ants Kosmos commented ·
Nice ! I will do it on a rasbery pi!
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David Maza (Danilevitch) avatar image
David Maza (Danilevitch) answered ·

Do you agree that I should have 12k watts ?

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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL commented ·

hi, what do you mean with 12kw?

my advise is to consult your local victron dealer/installer if you aren't technical enough to setup a system like this

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David Maza (Danilevitch) avatar image David Maza (Danilevitch) Duivert NL commented ·
i mean 4000 watts for each Multiplus 2 in output
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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL David Maza (Danilevitch) commented ·
Ok, 4000w is the max it can deliver continues at 25 degrees, the warmer it gets the lower it can deliver… (temp derating) so all depends on what you want to run
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