
Roy avatar image
Roy asked

Node Red - Cerbo

How do we backup Node Red and install it onto a new Cerbo .

It takes forever to reload all the nodes .

Has someone written a bash script to copy all node red nosed etc to SD card and then copy them back onto a NEW cerbo .

I can write a script but will need the location of all the files.

cerbo gxNode-RED
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3 Answers
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·


Could you just export the flows and then reimport?

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Roy avatar image
Roy answered ·

The flows is easy yes export and import its all NODES that is a pain to install every time as there are many of them - must be a way to copy them to SD or usb drive then reinstall them on new cerbo.

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derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

You could write a simple script to do it in terminal

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