
cybermaus avatar image
cybermaus asked

MPPT and Orion XS smart max charge current

So I have a MPPT 100/30 and ordered a Orion XS 12-12/50.

I would like to limit the total 95Ah FLA charge current to 30Amps. Individually, that is easily set.
And by the time the XS is shipped, it should have the VE.Smart function.

Will I be able to link it to the MPPT and set an overall maximum current. Ideally solar prioritized of course, but frankly, when driving, I am OK if the alternator does most of the work. After all, the alternator is a more reliable source, not responding to each cloud or overpass.

MPPT SmartSolarorion xs
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5 Answers
umgfoin avatar image
umgfoin answered ·

According to Guy Stewart from Victron, synchronized charging between Orion XS and other chargers is not planned for the Orion XS in the near future. It might be implemented later, if demand is recognized.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·
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cybermaus avatar image
cybermaus answered ·

Disappointing. Maybe I should downgrade to a Victron acculader Orion-Tr Smart 12/12 18. It can also not do those things, but at least it is half the price.

I mean, I can understand if features may not be immediately there, priorities and limited resources and such, but such a latest and greatest should really have what one would expect from a Victron BLE smart device.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·


It has nothing to do with the new Orion XS!

As written in the manual it isn't possible at all!

Even if you only have MPPTs connected together, you can't limit the total current.

Limiting the total charging current never was a feature of the VE.Smart Networking.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Synchronised charging requires more than simply connecting chargers. In the Victron system this control is provided by a GX device through DVCC. Replicating this across all charging devices would be prohibitively expensive as well as cumbersome and unwieldy.

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cybermaus avatar image
cybermaus answered ·

Towards the higher end functionality with many parallel devices, probably yes. But at the simpler end, not much is needed. There is already a SmartShunt, which already sends out charge current for all devices collectively.

I envision that in a simpler and uncoordinated "DVCC-lite" all it would need to do is step down/up charge current in small steps till the configured current matches the measured current. No need for explicit coordination between devices. If the steps are small enough, you automatically dampen out feedback oscillations.

I understand this is not in the works. So fine, but for me, without anger or resentment, it does warrant the consideration whether I should step down to the smart Orion 12/12 18

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
The 12/12-18 would be my choice.
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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

@cybermaus If you want to prioritize the XS for charging, you could set the mppt to a slightly lower absorption voltage. The mppt will throttle current down and the XS will continue to abs voltage.

Not ideal, but at least the mppt will pretty much cease charging once it reaches its abs voltage, and let the XS continue charging.

@Matthias Lange - DE @kevgermany at what point will the mppt throw an error re battery voltage going over abs set point?

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cybermaus avatar image cybermaus klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

Ok, but I am not so much worried about the priorisation, and (I think) also not the absorption phase, but about the overcurrent during the bulk phase. To prevent gassing. It is only a 95Ah, and FLA to boot.

I think if I set the MPPT to 25A, it is already on the high side. I do not want to set it lower, because I'd be wasting sun. And if it is cloudy, and I do drive, I really should try to fill up as much as possible, so the Orion also 25A.

But then if I drive while very sunny, suddenly I am cooking with 50A
Or at least, such is my worry. Once I go LFP, it may not be a problem. But FLA, I should be careful.

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