
Jason Beug avatar image
Jason Beug asked

Smart battery sense continuously disconnecting.

I have noticed recently, and to the best of my knowledge this is a recent issue, that the smart battery sense seems to be dropping out and losing connection every 10-30 seconds. It will connect and the wattage will spike to near PV capacity, then normalize. Then upon disconnecting the wattage will drop to near zero. This can't be good for things. I have tried resetting the smart solar MPPT 100/20, disconnecting and reconnecting from the network, even creating a new network. All to no avail. I am starting to wonder if I have a faulty battery sensor.

solar sizing
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1 Answer
Jason Beug avatar image
Jason Beug answered ·

I'll add the sensor is less than a meter from my MPPT. It is placed at the center of mass of four 6v batteries, the batteries are in a plywood box (1/4") and the box is under the floor of the tiny house another two layer of plywood and insulation. I can pickup the signal of the batter sense on my phone from at least 2-3 meters away inside the house.

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