
pfleu avatar image
pfleu asked

Connecting additional smrt shunt to monitor the output of an Orion in a van ...

From the info I've gathered, would that be the way to connect it ?


orion-tr smart
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4 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Yes that's correct

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

This isn't going to work the way you've drawn it.

Orion shunt (B) needs to be configured as an energy meter. It's the only way to have multiple shunts in the system.

The Orion output bypasses the main shunt (D). Because of this the state of charge reading on the main shunt (D) will never be correct.

Instead connect the battery negative of B to the load of D.

SOC will be correct, D will include Orion output and B will report this separately. Don't add the values.

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pfleu avatar image
pfleu answered ·

Oh, thanks a lot ! THAT explains the graphic from the Victron manual... Victron's shunts are ''different beasts'' from other manufacturers :D

So, THIS then...? (new picture)

When you say ''don't add the values'' I don't quite get what you mean... nonetheless I guess substractiong B from D would give me how much my solar panels are outputing into the equation if I was to charge with both alternator and panels ?


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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Yes. Do it that way.

D will give the complete picture, including SOC. Any current readings will represent flows into and out of the battery.

B is only reporting current from the Orion, will always be positive or zero.

But current from B will be included in D, assuming no other loads siphoning it off before the battery.

So if you add B and D the total will include B twice.

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